E5 : Resolutions, Evolutions, Revelations

Available now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

*Please note that this episode was recorded prior to the events of January 6th in the US capital.

2021 is finally here, and your Full Fatties have been busy envisioning the year that they each want to manifest. Having stepped away from diet culture, the ladies are freed up to think beyond just calories in and out when it comes to new year's resolutions these days. In this first episode of the year, they'll share takeaways from the apocalypse that was 2020, talk about what they've learned from years of wishing themselves "thin," discuss their own physical, emotional, and spiritual goals for the next 12 months, and offer a little advice on how to keep your new year conversations positive and healthy.

Episode Glossary
Stock Friends: faux friends or rent-a-crowd sound effects as found on a stock audio website.
Intention: To have in mind as a purpose or goal and to design for a specified use or purpose.
Resolution: To deal with successfully or clear up.
Headspace: Headspace is a popular meditation and mindfulness-made-simple app.
Laughter Yoga: Laughter yoga is a modern exercise involving prolonged voluntary laughter.
The Embodiment Conference: an online conference that exists to make the world’s embodied wisdom accessible to everyone. Sam would just like to clarify that the panel she referred to, included a team of amazing experts from the world of embodiment, not only Alanis and Dr. Maté.
Dr. Gabor Mat
é: a Hungarian-born Canadian physician, with a special interest in childhood development and trauma. The short video that Sam refers to in this episode can be found here.
Pauly D: Paul D. Del Vecchio Jr., publicly known as Pauly D and DJ Pauly D, is an American television personality and DJ.
Jersey Shore: Jersey Shore is an American reality series that aired on MTV from December 2009 to December 2012, starring Pauly D.


E6 : Fatspo


E4 : Hefty Holidays