E1 : Forever Fat

Available now on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

For our inaugural episode, we'll share a bit about ourselves: our fat teen years, how we met, why we're here, and what we hope you'll get from joining us on the first and third Thursday of every month. Our experience has been that once you've been fat in your formative years, you never stop identifying as a fat girl, regardless of your size. To some, that might sound like a cross to bear, but to us, it has been the biggest gift. Fat girl wisdom has done us all kinds of favours. It has kept the wrong kinds of partners away, pushed us to become more than our bodies, made us into strong women, and brought us together to carry a message of hope, humour, solidarity, and positivity.

Episode Glossary
The Bay: shorthand for Canadian department store Hudson’s Bay Company.
Glosettes: a chocolate-covered raisin candy from Canada (like Raisinets).
Nadège: boujie Canadian patisserie that specializes in macarons, chocolate etc.
Thongs: tiny triangular underwear, also referred to as G-strings in Australia.


E2 : Fatfishing